Intelligent Travel Planning

AI Travel Planner

Enable hyper-personalized travel experiences and boost conversions with innovative AI technology.

Start now with your AI Travel planner

Our solution

Transform seekers into visitors.
Capture curiosity with personalized content.


Tailor offerings perfectly to your customers' preferences.

Data & Analytics

Understand your audience and target them with the right individual marketing activities.

Upselling opportunities

Unlock new revenue streams and make upselling opportunities

Ready to shape the future of travel planning?
Start your free consultation today!
Show what makes your Region unique.

Individual experiences for your guests.

With our AI travel planner, every guest finds exactly what they’re looking for: families discover the best playgrounds, couples enjoy adults-only hotels, and adventurers uncover thrilling activities. Tailored recommendations make your destination unforgettable for everyone.

Perfect offers: The right choice for every target group.
Unique experiences: Personally tailored to your guests.

Facts & Results


use AI to plan their trips


Accommodations worldwide


Data record sources


find results within 3 min.

Get started with our AI travel planner now

Take the first step into the future of tourism. Delight your guests with tailored experiences and set new standards for your region.

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The press about wependio

New standards in the travel industry

“The start-up Wependio is setting new standards in the travel industry. With a system based on artificial intelligence.”

FVW Travel Talk

Online giant Google supports start-up from Tyrol

“The Tyrolean travel network wependio has attracted the attention of Google and will be working with the industry giant in the future.”


Saves hours of time

“Planning a vacation is often cumbersome - flights, trains, hotels, restaurants and excursion destinations are spread across many apps and are not connected to each other. The new Wependio app provides a remedy.”

The Changemaker

wependio: Social travel network from Tyrol closes six-figure financing round

“wependio is a new social travel network that aims to combine the inspiration of Instagram with the advantages of a search engine.”


Start-up profile: What a digital world map is needed for

"The ‘wependio’ app acts as a platform to accompany journeys step by step. ”

Die Presse

Wependios kometenhafter Aufstieg in der Reiseindustrie

“Learn how this AI-driven travel planner went from startup to a $5 million valuation in just two years.”

CEO Times